About Us

The essence of Groenkloof is not found in buildings and property but is found in its people and the way we live together as a community. It is our vision to provide a haven where residents can retire comfortably and live life to the fullest. A place where compassionate and sustainable care is at hand and meaningful values anchor us. At Groenkloof we believe in shared goals, teamwork and to maintain and upgrade facilities as if newly built, manage effective and affordable security and to keep levies stable and affordable.

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Why Choose Groenkloof Retirement Village

Why Choose Groenkloof?

Our commitment to continuous improvement, more than 18 years of proven care experience and a growing community of more than 1100 families whom already call Groenkloof a happy home, make it a retirement destination worth visiting to satisfy your curiosity as to why this is such a popular retirement destination.

One of the best
retirement destinations

We believe that Groenkloof is among the best retirement
destinations in this area, because of our proven track record of:

High quality Care Units

Well planned development layouts and high
quality construction of houses.

Low stable levies and healthy Home
Owner's Association balance sheets.

Our residents will be more than happy to
share their experiences with you.

Retire in the Garden Route

Our area is ideal for retirement, not only because of the beauty and dynamics of this beautiful mountainous and coastal area, but also because of the attributes most important to retirees which we believe are:

  • Relative safety of the area;
  • High quality medical facilities
  • A climate considered amongst the most moderate
    and healthiest in the world.

Learn more

Groenkloof, Retire in the Garden Route

Our Team

Come visit us at Groenkloof and speak to our residents for
first hand information on their experiences.

Contact us

The Groenkloof Team - Managing director - Jan Pienaar

Jan Pienaar

Managing director

The Groenkloof Team - Sales manager - Louis Visagie

Louis Visagie

Sales manager

The Groenkloof Team - Marketer - Annatjie Olivier

Annatjie Olivier


The Groenkloof Team - Homeowners' accounts - Maryke Botha

Maryke Botha

Homeowners' accounts

The Groenkloof Team - Care Accounts - Franette Chowles

Franette Chowles

Care Accounts

The Groenkloof Team - Project Manager - Carina van der Walt

Carina van der Walt

Project Manager